Category: Wordpress

How to Create a Static Homepage in WordPress

Why a static Homepage? WordPress normally shows your most recent posts in reverse chronological order on your homepage: new to old. Many users, however, may want a static front page, e.g. if you want...

How to Assign a Default Category in WordPress

The default category can be configured using WordPress. Categories can only be applied to posts thus we will show you how you can set a default category in WordPress. So often when using WordPress,...

How to Enable-Disable Emoticons in WordPress

Pros and Cons of Smileys When you put certain characters together, WordPress replaces text by default with an emoticon. It could be a nice and cute feature to have smileys on your WordPress site...

How to Approve Comments Before they Appear in WordPress

The Comment Spam Problem Comment spam is an often encountered problem for WordPress users. It is not uncommon to receive thousands of spam comments every week, but this level of spam can significantly damage your reputation...

How to Get Pretty Urls in WordPress

Importance of pretty urls. Pretty urls are very important. It is important for your users, who do not like sites and blogs with ugly urls containing all kind of numbers and characters. More importantly is...

How to Add a Tag to a Menu in WordPress

Tagging in WordPress. Tags are a way to group similar kinds of content and help your visitor to navigate your blog or site. They are meant to be used less broadly than categories that...

How to Add a Category to a Menu in WordPress

Categories in WordPress. Categories are a good way to group similar kinds of posts and help your visitors to easily navigate your site. They are meant to be used more broadly than tags. If...